
Where do I go after people leave me!!???βœŒπŸ˜‡

First rule comes first. I am broken, when I am left alone & no one to help by. Seems similar to you? Naahhhh just don’t worry as I am not going to rant like a inspirational speaker today, instead I had promised in my earlier blog that we would be talking about where do I go when people just leave. For that matter, I am here with my story today!βœŒπŸ˜‡

So Thankyou first of all to my lovely people who not only read instead recommended my earlier blog to many other people. Big big Thankyou as my aim is to widen that gap we have in building a strategically fit, sound & happy people. Keep going…✌✌✌❀
So, yeah what do I do when people leave or I kick them out! Honestly, I kick people out who are not needed & worthless even to understand what I am going through. Coz its a necessity for me to be alive. ✌ To stay calmly, happily & have my peace of mind intact with me, it’s important to have good people with me…βœŒβ€πŸ˜‡

When I am left alone, I remain silent for a big amount of duration. No filters allowed so yes I am writing all truth. I remain mum. 😊 Now many of you might got into this, “OMG, this is wrong she shouldn’t do that!” Thanks for being concerned about me,but chill it brings in more & more weeping behaviour of mine as soon as I blurt it out to my people that’s my friends. I don’t believe in sharing as I think it makes me weak. I believe in handling any situation alone. After all, this is my life why to seek suggestions from others. But but, if you think you need your friends to help you out, do & check with your friends. Coz what works for me might not work for you. I am serious. I am different from you & for that instance, I don’t owe your name. My identity is my name, Nutan, which is completely different from you.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€

Secondly I am a firm believer in God. No no no don’t give me that grin guys, I am. I am a theist. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€ So as soon as I face any problem which I face I quickly turn to them. Coz I feel two concepts can not leave a person until & unless he drifts away from them – Supernatural Existence (The Almighty) & Books. ✌✌✌

So yes I visit more often to those religious places where I genuinely connect very well & easily. If anything in this world has made me strong & the person that I am is Coz of the firm belief on my Gods. People can leave you but your beliefs will never leave you. It’s just the timing. How easily you catch hold on to yourself & willing to accept things & make necessary changes.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€

People will leave as they hop from one job to another in search of good packages, positions, & better organisations… It’s a no surprise for me to understand this lil concept & so you should not take time too to understand this. On the contrary, I also ask people to move out from my life once I start feeling that it’s not positively affecting my life rather negative aftermath is really tough for you to handle emotionally, socially & intelligently.✌

Remember, it’s your life, until & unless you feel that the other person is hampering you, no one can help you so don’t expect from your friends that they will aid into some benefit for your nervewrecking relationship. It’s yours, so you owe the responsibility to either correct it or leave it. Totally yours. Should be yours. Decision is going to affect you; not your friends. I would appreciate if people like us, stand up brave & fight for our problems ALONE…βœŒπŸ˜€πŸ˜Šβ€

Pictures Courtesy: Pinterest

By Space Between Breaks

Space Between Breaks is my own way of describing an opinion towards life. #LoveLove

6 replies on “Where do I go after people leave me!!???βœŒπŸ˜‡”

Hey nootan i cud also relate my thoughts to u i also feel like to be silent and alone instead of discussing it here and there and that momentary silence of somedays gives me courage to move on though it becomes a little hard task but after its life..everyone wil have to move on.. But suggest me dear how to control my tears.. 😟😟is it gud to cry alone wen u feel bad. ..???as i feel comfortable wen i shed my tears

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