
2020 : The Game changer… πŸ™‰

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Coming to the last month of the year 2020, which is mostly been bashed badly by almost everyone, coz of the pandemic which started much earlier than this year & is still not taking a bit to slow down or vanish from our lives.

Being able to understand about what would come in my life in the coming months was beyond my imagination, while I was enjoying my Early New Year 2020 in January & crying a lil over the losses of 2019. What came after February was too scary af…

My dad’s sudden deteriorating health pushed me out of my Delhi apartment in a minute to reach my parents place asap, Lucknow. Went there, had seen him suffering in pain & af worried faces of mom & me. Believe me, had no idea of what this serious health condition would be treated in India (as there are no right doctors in India), except Dubai. Ofcourse, I couldn’t think of taking him abroad, instead find him an immediate solution. I am so glad, I did found a doctor, who deals in Ayurveda, but in Pune.

I asked him if he is able to counsel & guide us over phone call, & to be honest, I am so thankful to this doctor who was ready for everything we wanted at that time. My dad started taking medicines & precautions. He was asked to leave things which he loved the most. I cried heavily when the doctor was continuously telling me all the diet he would have to follow sans his favourite ingredients since childhood.

But the pain & tears I saw in my dad’s eyes for the disease came with it, made it worthwhile for us to understand that all we need is PRECAUTIONS!!!

My mom & dad made everything possible & he is fine, fit & healthy with all these precautions & dietary formulations.

Courtesy : Pinterest

Talking about precautions, & here comes the announcement of Country Lockdown for the next few months which went from March till August, & slowly uplifting of lockdown, varied from state to state. Covid changed everything for me personally, professionally, financially, mentally, & emotionally.

I came back to Delhi asap & resumed working from home. I enjoyed working at home. I realised the utter happiness I had almost all the time for the initial 6 months – where I have always dreamt of working from home, which was not so common in India until Covid came in our lives. I was agressively working more than required, happily doing all the projects at office & did all the cooking experiments I would have thought that I cannot do them ever in my life.

Courtesy : Pinterest

Dated online a lot of people, never met them, never shared a number with them, & I must tell you – Disappointments is synonymous to Indian guys. Embarassment is the other name of my feelings. Ahhhh we aren’t gonna talk about it. Losers. Assholes. Selfish people. This is how I would describe to all the guys I conversed in 2020. (If you are reading this, hey you, you can do the same about me, but to tell you, I am not sorry for saying this that you were toxic in my life, & it was a good decision to part my ways from you)

Online dating sucks for me. Until I found some amazing people too from there & we became online friends. πŸŽπŸ™‰ I dunnow why but yeah it happened with me. Lol πŸ˜‚

I will not discuss my work here coz Indians will take some time to understand the whole process of executing & streamlining all the departments in work from home culture. So till then RIP our offices. πŸ™„πŸ˜‰πŸ™πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ‘

Woahhh, I got an amazing feel when I said RIP our Offices. Damn true 😹❀️

Lost a lot of money in this Covid to almost all unknown people online & believe me I got my lesson. Harder. For the better. πŸ₯ΊπŸ™

Courtesy : Pinterest

Professionally if I talk about I have started two pages of mine on Instagram. Infact, one was already there with the name –

The only thing with this page was I fathom a lot to understand what I really want to do apart from my work & then I experimented a lot with my content to understand that Make-up & Beauty is what I love the most doing. πŸ’–πŸŒ…πŸ₯³

Watch my Instagram

2020 wasn’t that bad as I got my very first big collaboration for an year with an Italian Beauty brand to freelance content for them. Its a slow race & my job would be to remain consistent in it. No matter what. ❀️

The other page, I started coz of the lovely people I have in my life who loved my cooking & coz of their support we made another food page in which I used to post a
lot of my experiments & short videos too…

I might do a second post this year or might not. God knows. But I must write one thing I am thankful for the lessons this year has given me, more than what I learnt in my earlier years. This year is undoubtedly one of the game changers in my life.

It is the little things which make bigger things happen. Believe me, you all would have got good things with this year too, stop criticizing, start accepting the flow of life brings to you. Be happy with what you get. πŸŒ…πŸ’–β€οΈπŸ₯Ί

Courtesy : Pinterest

If you love reading this, please follow me back to support me.

Also it would be great to see my WordPress people following me on Instagram. Follow me here!!!

Stay happy ❀️ Stay inside ❀️ Happy New Year & Merry Christmas πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚

Much love – Nutannayan Nigam πŸ€—

Heyaa!!! I am there on Instagram – spacebetweenbreaks

Dating in 2020… πŸ™†πŸ»β€β™€οΈβ€οΈβœ¨

Reading that article heading, must have taken you all to some good and bad memories, while I am here to tell you all what has happened in these first 6 months of 2020 βœŒοΈπŸ˜πŸ˜ƒβœ¨

Courtesy : Google Images

Bear with me, as this will not be a happiest of all, coz yeah people are crazy & suck at various instances. 😢

Dating in 2020 is like talking to someone virtually & not knowing exactly how a person is reacting to your things or their things. It’s difficult to understand but it’s fun when combined with video calls. Until they become hilarious after a point πŸ˜‚ where you feel like disconnecting immediately after knowing the person better. (Coz of stupid reasons πŸ˜…)

First half of the year 2020 is gone for all of us. Few have found their partners while millions are still looking for someone special. Till now there is just one learning which I can confidently say…

“There is nothing called someone special. I believe if you have someone in your life who makes you a better version, who keeps you grounded, who keeps you feel safe & happy, who understands you, & most important, who accepts you the way you are… I think you should call that person to be yours.

Your someone special.” πŸ’ƒβœ¨β€οΈβœ¨

One cannot search for someone special until you start becoming nice to others. The way you want yourself to be treated should be the way you treat them. πŸ™‚βœŒοΈ Yeah read that again 🀭❀️✨


How to be Positive! Come Over… β€πŸ’πŸšΊπŸ‘£

Hey, all lovely people who have recently followed my blog- Thanks a lot for loving the content & making me gradually a bit accountable for the same!

Hello, my lovely babies… The family is growing bigger day by day, yassss… We can do better & surely do my best! β€πŸ™Œ

The blog baby is back with an answer to the most asked question from me over emails, that How can anyone be so smiling in each blog of yours, how do you like to be happy, how have you managed the same blog with the same enthusiasm… And many more… Oh, lovely people, I am blessed that at least you guys are interacting & putting up with me for all those queries… ❀🚺 So what, let’s get started! πŸ˜‚πŸ™

How to be Positive - Nutannayan Nigam - Space Between Breaks

First & foremost, I am a normal human being. Yasss apart from that nothing is more special than me being me. Of course, if I am Nutan, you are Kenny, so you are different. Every person in himself is a gem of a person.

Maybe you are an early bird, which I am not.

Maybe you are a good listener, I maybe not!

Maybe you can treat people better than me, I don’t know about it.

& So the list can go on. 🚺



The baby goes away saying I am the boss baby. πŸ˜‚ Yasss this is what everyone should keep telling to oneself. You know why it’s very simple, one person can say bad things about you, one can say a totally new perspective for you but only you can console yourself from all those crap & say ya, I know what I have to do. I have a clarity. Well, I practice this. You should believe in yourself.

How to be Positive - Nutannayan Nigam - Space Between Breaks

There are times, rather every day I give around 1000 reactions & out of the 990 would be of sadness. Trust me. That’s a huge revelation. But the show must go on my dear friend… I cry, I get sad, I become upset, but who will come to rescue. No one. So you need to help yourself.

I believe rather than crying it’s great if we can find ways & solutions to a specific problem & fix it. We feel comfort in being sad that even after the solution being in front of us, we kind of hassle in implementing it.

How to be Positive - Nutannayan Nigam - Space Between Breaks

The only thing that comes to my mind is to laugh it off. Don’t get serious et al for anything in your life. It’s not easy. But for a day, for a single problem. Just try to take it lightly & teach your mind to remain calm & composed. That way, it will not hassle much & the surrounding will also feel that the problem isn’t a big one, coz it has its solution.

Other than heartaches, I think we can smile often & find a way & fix the issue. ❀

Here all goes well, have made a video yesterday morning for you all, I hope you will get to know what I want to say!

Smiling is not easy, trust me. It’s more difficult to keep guiding your mind to be positive all the time. But if you want to be happy, positive, & super cool, you HAVE TO BE POSITIVE. πŸŒΌπŸ‘

How to be Positive - Nutannayan Nigam - Space Between Breaks

Watch the same video just uploaded on Youtube –Β Β


Pictures Courtesy – Google Images

Pink is the new Blush – LookBook 2 😍😍😍

Learning, Listening & Lovingβ€¦βœŒ πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‡ #LifeGoals

β€œLet people talk, till you go for a walk!” πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‰πŸ‘